
An interesting history of Time and Space

In this chapter we will explore the how the different concept of time and space got evolved into today's science theories. Right from the Aristotle to Einstein to Stephen Hawking Since the time of Aristotle to Newton to Einstein, the history of time and space changed drastically, the possibilities of time being a progression of motion entity to a physical entity as spacetime. There are many philosophies and theories on time and space, so here we are going to discuss the summarized aspect of those theories to get the basic understanding of time and space throughout history of philosophy and science. This development in the philosophy of time and space is very crucial for us to proceed further in this book. Plato – 4 th  century BCE The philosophers from ancient Greece were among the first to the raise question on nature of time. They discussed in detail, what exactly is time, whether it is  linear  or  cyclical , whether time is  infinite  or has a start and endpoint .

The basic concept of Time and Space

The basic concept of Time and Space  To start with, let’s explore the basic properties of Dimensions Basic dimensions:                       Mass, Length, Time, Temperature etc. S.I. Unit of dimensions:             Kilogram, Meter, Second, Kelvin etc. Mathematical entities:               Volume, Cube, Line, Area, Triangle etc. Dimension : It can be defined as the measure of a particular property of an entity. Such as  length of a line  is not a physical entity itself whereas in case of  length of a box,  the box is a physical entity measured/described by dimension.           Hypothesis to define Time and Space Proposition 1 : Existence is the only physical entity and all the dimensions such as Mass, Length, Time and Temperature etc. are the form of mathematical construct to measure/describe it. Proposition 2 : Time is a mathematical dimension to measure the change of state (any motion) of Existence (includes universe/multiverse). Proposition 3 : Space is a mathematical di

Spacetime and Time Travel

Spacetime and Time Travel This chapter raise most fundamental questions on the Theory of Relativity and its basic assumptions. Also it will provide detail explanation of Time travel in relative Spacetime.     To start this chapter of Spacetime and time travel, I will highlight our time measurement techniques once. We measure time through different types of clocks, and clocks are the devices to measure unit of time defined by us (S.I units). It might very precisely measure the unit of time depending on the technology but we know that it is just a human made device to measure the change of state of Existence. These clocks cannot measure the unit of time independently without being affected by the physical laws of existence and have to abide by these laws. Special Theory of Relativity Spacetime terminology came into discussion when Albert Einstein gave the Special Theory of Relativity  in 1905. According to this theory Space and Time are one physical entity called Spacetime . Time can b

Absolute Time and Time Travel

Absolute Time and Time Travel In this chapter we will explore the conditions to know how it will be like travelling in Absolute Time   Let’s start this chapter with a question; is it possible to change the present state of existence to the previous state of existence? All past states of existence were existed and they do not exist anymore. At present only present state of existence exists. Future states of existence are yet to exist and they do not exist till now. Although past and future state of existence do not exist now but they are part of Existence. These states of existence cannot be regarded as Non-existence according to the definition.   However changing the state of Entire Existence to previous or future state against the laws of physics (moment of inertia and second law of thermodynamics) is not possible. The state of whole existence has been changed in last moment and it is changing continuously by the laws of physics. This change of state is happening from a tiny particl

What exactly is absolute Time and Space?

Absolute Time and Absolute Space After understanding the history of the concept of time and space, we will discuss here what exactly is Time. Can we say absolute Time and Space are the real Time and Space?     In this chapter we will explore the properties of the ab. Time and Space dimension to measure the existence. As concluded in previous chapter about infinite Existence, we will re-define these dimensions to check the possibility of this ab. Time and Space to be applied beyond Bigbang. To elaborate the topic – let’s understand dimensions first: Dimension: It can be defined as the measure of a particular property of an entity (Existence or part of Existence). Basic dimensions:                     Mass, Length, Time, Temperature etc. S.I. Unit of dimensions:          Kilogram, Meter, Second, Kelvin etc. Mathematical entities:            Volume, Cube, Line, Area, Triangle etc. We can clearly make a distinction for spatial dimension; Length is just a mathematical dimension but certain